Felanna and Aaron's Wedding, Canoe Restaurant, Toronto
It’s nice to start the day bright and early, especially when the schedule is filled to the absolute max… Starting early however has some disadvantages as well as Aaron found out when he learned about one of his traditional game challenges. Pulling marbles out ice water with your bare toes outside, in a crisp October morning is pretty far from exciting but it turned out to do very little in keeping Aaron from acing everything Felanna’s bridesmaids threw at him. Onto the more significant events, we’ve been impressed by the emotions we witnessed throughout two tea ceremonies and by the extraordinary band playing at their wedding ceremony.We’ve been lucky enough to catch perhaps the last appropriate weekend to shoot a quick outdoor photo session session at the Osgoode Hall before heading over to The Canoe where the reception and the rest of the day played out.
The day is perhaps best summarized in this message we received from Aaron:
“Both of us are so thankful for all the friends and family that surrounded us on our “big day.” We could not have asked for a better start to our lives together then to be so completely surrounded by love and affection. We were warned by our friends well in advance that the day would go by in a flash, and they were correct on all counts. The games, the ceremony, the photo shoot, and the reception all seem to be over in a shot. However, what we could not fail to notice was the joy that our family and friends celebrated our marriage with us. We will be storing up these memories and reminisce over them for the rest of our lives.”
The following is a bit more long winded photographic account of their day. Enjoy!