Leah And Kevan’s Engagement, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto.
Leah and Kevan were part of a wedding we’ve photographed a few years ago, Kaitlyn and Ryan’s , they liked our work and now it is their turn in front of our lenses.
Leah met Kevan while working part time as students for her parents. They had time to talk a bit and were surprised when they discovered having a lot of cool common interests. Becoming good friends was only the start. Kevan played it cool for a year, however, over birthday blues, their friendship grew closer . As they danced around dating a little, at some point they went home after one of their shifts but then the next time they saw each other they knew they were officially together. Last December they decided it was time to get married and started to look at rings. Here’s the rest of the story in Leah’s own words: “On News Years Day we cuddled up on the couch, decided on the ring and made a guest list. Despite me knowing about the ring, Kevan was still able to surprise me, I got home late from work (after he vehemently told me I had to come home and not work the graveyard shift) to flowers, music a homemade dinner and my ring. It was a beautiful moment.”
There are not too many places to go in the city when the weather does not cooperate, as it kind of didn’t, so after a bit of brainstorming we decided to go to the Royal Ontario Museum. We’re members there and it’s a great place to shoot a few frames.