Kaitlyn and Ryan's Big Day, Cardinal Golf Course, Newmarket, ON.
You might remember Kaitlyn and Ryan from a recent engagement session we had with them in Newmarket. I know them for quite some time as I used to regularly spend a few hours in Ryan’s establishment working on clients photos over a cup of Jasmine tea, while waiting to pick up my daughter from her Spirit of Math class. I’ve heard them talking about their wedding, the planning and all the details so when they noticed I was actually in the business, they started asking for my two cents on how to do things. The rest as they say is history and here we are today shooting the actual wedding.We caught up with the girls getting their make-up and hair done at Charmichael and the atmosphere there was already almost electric in a “it’s actually happening today!!!” kind of way. It only kept going up from there. When we got to Ryan he was stressing over the last details of his wows and for a good reason: he was pouring his soul in them. When the time came, he was so overwhelmed by the moment his voice carried very little beyond the first two rows of family and friends gathered for the ceremony. Pity, for the people in the back missed some of the most heartfelt and well written wows we ever heard throughout our years in the business.
The reception setting was unusual as well, reflecting the easy going, relaxed tone of the party that followed. There were no set places at the tables, friends and family being able to move around, sit with whoever they wanted, grab a bite to eat, a beer and dance as they seen fit as the staff at Cardinal cared for their desires. Needless to say everyone had a great time, the photographers included.
Here’s a little taste of how their wedding day went.