Posts Tagged ‘Wedding Photography’
You might remember Kaitlyn and Ryan from a recent engagement session we had with them in Newmarket. I know them for quite some time as I used to regularly spend a few hours in Ryan’s establishment working on clients photos over a cup of Jasmine tea, while waiting to pick up my daughter from her Spirit of Math class. I’ve heard them talking about their wedding, the planning and all the details so when they noticed I was actually in the business, they started asking for my two cents on how to do things. The rest as they say is history and here we are today shooting the actual wedding.
We caught up with the girls getting their make-up and hair done at Charmichael and the atmosphere there was already almost electric in a “it’s actually happening today!!!” kind of way. It only kept going up from there. When we got to Ryan he was stressing over the last details of his wows and for a good reason: he was pouring his soul in them. When the time came, he was so overwhelmed by the moment his voice carried very little beyond the first two rows of family and friends gathered for the ceremony. Pity, for the people in the back missed some of the most heartfelt and well written wows we ever heard throughout our years in the business.
The reception setting was unusual as well, reflecting the easy going, relaxed tone of the party that followed. There were no set places at the tables, friends and family being able to move around, sit with whoever they wanted, grab a bite to eat, a beer and dance as they seen fit as the staff at Cardinal cared for their desires. Needless to say everyone had a great time, the photographers included.
Here’s a little taste of how their wedding day went.

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Monday, October 27th, 2014 at 7:04 pm
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We always love participating in weddings of couples who have been High School sweethearts. There’s this great atmosphere of joy and the irresistible tempo of an event long time in the making. Tanya and Kivar’s wedding was no exception to this rule. The day started on a high note with the boys in the morning with their flasks and their socks and kept getting better. Not even Kivar’s rather serious incident with a cordless drill while building the structures used in the ceremony managed to put a damper in his spirits, or anyone else’s for that matter. It only managed to put a big bandage around his left thumb and an even bigger smile on his face.
The event was held the Evergreen Brick Works, an excellent venue that combines cool and chique with old charm and character, providing the perfect backdrop for all the laughter, pranks and, oh yes, an impromptu recreation of a certain scene from Titanic you’ll see further down this post. Filled with emotion is a dreadful overused expression we photographers keep on going to but this time around it barely seems adequate. More like “enough emotion to last everybody a decade, at least”.
Here is the story of this day. Enjoy!
P.S. A special mention has to go to the Food Dudes . Their catering service was impeccable and the food finger licking good spectacular.

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Thursday, October 16th, 2014 at 11:53 pm
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This day was one Sandra and myself were really looking forward to. You see, apart from minor things like an actual blood line, Michaela’s practically family. When we shot her and Jared’s engagement last Fall we knew this wedding is going to be special. The sense of anticipation is literally palpable when very dear people start an important new chapter in their lives and close friends and family come together, some from very far, places like Romania or South Africa, to celebrate their union. As a photographer and friend, such an occasion is one you really need to avoid messing up but at the same time you want to enjoy fully.
When you are surrounded by such warmth and genuine enthusiasm and joy it’s impossible not to be drawn in and participate. From the morning “butterflies” to jumping higher than David Lee Roth we hope we captured it all well enough to let everyone relive and remember it the way it was.
And yes, there was “mind melding” 🙂
P.S. A final word has to go again to Raluca, Jared and the staff at the Rattlesnake Point who organized and run this event like clockwork. Excellent details, excellent dinner, excellent party, excellent everything.

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Saturday, October 4th, 2014 at 1:52 am
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For us this wedding was a bit of a première. We’ve been in the wedding business for quite some time already but it just so happened we never had an opportunity to shoot at Casa Loma. It has fantastic architecture and carefully trimmed and maintained, not to mention beautiful, grounds that are a pleasure to be in. Their Conservatory is a perfect place for a ceremony and there are plenty of rooms to hold cocktails and entertain guests.
Natalia and Erik’s wedding was a bit unusual in its setting. The ceremony, the cocktails and the pictures we’re held at Casa Loma. The dinner was set at the quaint Fieramosca Trattoria and finally the party was held not very far off on The Pilot‘s Stealth Lounge. The amount of effort and energy in designing, decorating and organizing this wedding was simply incredible, down to the exquisite custom hand-cut (by Natalia) invitation we received in the mail.
The ceremony and cocktails were classy (fresh oysters anyone?), the dinner delicious (fresh Italian à la carte anyone?) and the party crazy (pole dancing anyone?) yet when we say all this it still seems a bit understated…
Needless to say we, along everyone else taking part, had a great time at this wedding and the following is a small sample of the events of the day.

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Sunday, August 17th, 2014 at 11:33 pm
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You might remember Eva and Mark from our Edward Garden engagement session last year. We had quite a bit of fun on that day, shooting, talking, getting to know them better… Their open, easy going, fun loving attitude could not have prepare us however to the level of energy this wedding had in store for us. There are parties and then there’s this one that must be one of the wildest we ever attended :-).
The morning started quiet enough with preparations at both Eva and Mark’s houses and the bride reveal we set up went very smoothly, precisely as planned. Mark reaction on seeing Eva the first time was just priceless (see the images below) and pretty much set the tone for the remainder of the day. The Spring weather being what it was (I don’t even want to talk about it) we headed over to King Edward Hotel, downtown Toronto whose staff was very kind to accommodate our late request for an indoor shooting permit.
The rest, as they say, was history.
Lighting the house on fire it’s usually just an expression but as parties go, this one is literally as close as it gets without the use of an open flame. Awesome !
The following is a small sample on how the day went. Enjoy!

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Thursday, May 8th, 2014 at 2:00 pm
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Here it is, the last wedding of this year… Even wet, pretty cold and gloomy weather could not dampen the spirits of Laura and Shane on this day not even the late evening chill when we had our attempt at night photography seen below. Their wedding was held at the Richmond Hill Country Club, a quiet, welcoming and very accommodating host (they even allowed us to move their furniture around a bit for one of the group shots). Everything from the ceremony to the reception was exquisitely set and delivered as a surprise Shane prepared for Laura. The wedding cake too!!!
Stylish is the word Sandra and I used a lot when we were talking about this wedding. Warm, intimate, emotional. And crazy. All wrapped up in a smooth blend delivered appropriately at every moment. Just about perfect one might say…
Perfect for good photography too.
Here is a snippet of their day. Enjoy!

It was cold and wet. Perfect timing for my otherwise trusty Pocket Wizards to start acting up…
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Sunday, December 1st, 2013 at 4:42 pm
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Two all Romanian weddings in a year, it must be a special year. You might remember Codrina and Liviu from their Distillery/ Downtown Toronto engagement last summer. Today is their turn to say “I Do” but funnily, in Romanian tradition when you show up in church all dressed up for a wedding ceremony, it is assumed your mind is set and you must be there for a reason so no one will neither ask nor question your grounds for standing in front of the altar. There are no vows and the priest sets the rings the other way around, the bride’s on groom’s finger and the groom’s on the bride’s. The couple exchange them toward the end of the service, this being the only confirmation they are getting married by their own accord.
Our day started at the Godparent’s house where everyone was getting ready. The atmosphere was cheerful and happy despite the cloudy, rainy weather outside and the seemingly ruined plans for a Richmond Green outdoor bridal photo shoot after the ceremony. Our fears were unfounded as the sky cleared in the afternoon allowing us to proceed undisturbed. Besides, speaking of Romanian tradition, a bit of rain on your wedding day is a lucky sign believed to bring good fortune to the couple.
Sandra and I were especially impressed with the service held in the Holy 40 Martyrs Church. It was emotional, heartfelt, beautiful. The priests, Marius Antonel Dumitru and Stefan Dan Morariu have beautiful, deep voices capable of intricate harmonies doubled by a humble, down to earth, truly dedicated approach to their duties. A special nod has to go to George, Codrina and Liviu’s Godfather and one of our old clients who was instrumental in bringing everyone together and making this event one to be remembered (not to mention the main negotiator in bringing the stolen bride back 🙂 )
Without further ado, here is the story of this day.
Enjoy !

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Monday, November 4th, 2013 at 2:37 am
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If you’d think Brada and Ryan are familiar faces you’d be right. No, is not the engagement session we had earlier you’re remembering them from but from a wedding last year more precisely the one in which a little flower girl was offering a healthy carrot to his Dad in the middle of the ceremony… Ryan is Amanda’s brother ,he and Brada were in the bridal party there. This event is shaping to be a bit of a revisit of the same families, a lot of familiar faces. Brada and Ryan have been together for 9 years and their life together had plenty of time to evolve to include three boys and a house in a quiet corner of Brampton but don’t think for one second the wedding was a mere formality, a piece of paper to make it all official. The tears at the ceremony, the emotion it’s all real, raw and genuine. And so was the party !
The morning preparations at the two houses could not have been more different. At Ryan’s house, a bit of late partying the night before was pushing things behind schedule. The little ones and especially the boys could not see a single valid reason to get all dressed up in what looked like pretty stiff, boring attire and were trying their best shot at something not unlike Ghandi’s Passive Resistance. In contrast, at Brada’s house everything was quiet, calm and relaxed, the girls were rolling with their wedding morning routine with absolutely no drama.
Things were sorted out eventually and the day proceeded right on time and continued that way with no hiccups. The weather held up nicely, the food was great and the party wild….
Here’s a snippet of how it all went. Enjoy!

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Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 at 2:25 am
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You might remember Melissa and Ben from their engagement earlier this year. Now we’re back with them for their wedding day. We knew this will be one heck of a day the minute we stepped inside Ben’s parent’s house, where he was getting ready : the Coronas were free flowing and the boys could not wait to get started. The situation was no different at the Heintzman House, where Melissa and the girls were set into the house’s gorgeous corner parlor. Hair and makeup were on the go along with the last minute wedding dress preparations, lots of activity but somehow a relaxed, cheerful atmosphere. This atmosphere continued pretty much throughout the entire day, all the way to the last beats of the party. And what a party it was ! Kept us, the wedding photographers busy and with big smiles on our faces.
A few words about Heintzmann House. The venue itself is unusual in it’s setting and set up. It’s a designated historic property protected under the Ontario Heritage Act, a beautiful 13 room mansion, built sparing no expense in 1817, with a nicely sized ballroom, a lounge, a kitchen and several big rooms (parlors) one can hire for any kind of events. With carefully groomed grounds and original walnut paneling this is just about the perfect setting for a wedding day. Cue in a cloudless sunny but not overly warm weather for a great recipe for nice photography. The guests also absolutely loved the fact they could roam around and explore this estate.
Without further ado, here is a snippet of this day.

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Sunday, October 6th, 2013 at 7:49 pm
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It is with a tear (of joy) I’m writing this blog entry, Andrei and now Raluca, are close family. Their joy on this day is almost palpable, contagious, overrunning all the anxiety caused by all the planning mishaps inherent in each wedding ( Will it rain? It did. Will everything be perfectly set up? Yes, almost everything was 🙂 ). The families and friends on both sides, some coming from pretty far corners of the Earth, were running on that kind of high octane emotional fuel only weddings seem capable of producing. And let’s not forget the tranquility and, at times, sadness of the present grandparents who have been so instrumental in getting Raluca and Andrei where they are now. I can’t help thinking the happiest of them all would have been someone who was not with us. I close my eyes and I almost feel my father’s presence there with that special serene smile, that blissful expression on his face we’d only see when he was at his happiest moments.
So how does one approaches documenting an event which holds this much emotional weight, when one is involved personally so deeply ? “Dive right in” I thought to myself…
I could go at quite some length about all the wonderful details of this day but I somehow feel everyone is here to see the pictures. Here it is, the longest ever entry in our blog.

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Tuesday, September 24th, 2013 at 12:13 am
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